Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keepin' Up the Good Work!

This week is going amazing as far as workouts go and I am feeling amazing about it!  Monday we had an impending tornado in nearby counties but i risked my life to get a workout in!  :)  Ok not really but it was about to rain....ok so it didn't rain for like 6 hours after that so I am VERY glad I didn't let the weather scare me off!  I walked 2 miles on my own and did 2 sets of intervals on Monday, I found some places in my neighborhood that I have never seen before and I ended up at the Interstate!  HA!  Yesterday was my second trip to the Central Market Trail with my awesome buddy Melissa K. where we did THREE sets of intervals and walked a total of 3 and a 1/2 miles, WOW!  Talk about feeling amazing today, though I am sore it's a great feeling and I am not about to stop!  Today we have dinner plans at my sister-in-law's house but I am still going to get some sort of workout in!  Nothing can stop me now!!!!  It's amazing how quickly you can feel motivated to work out more and more, it's just a matter or starting good habits and sticking to them!  Only bad thing so far this week was I didn't like the dinner I cooked myself last night.  Of course the hubby wanted smoked sausage and mac'n cheese...what am I married to a 10 year old?!  HAHA!  So I made him that and myself a shrimp and veggie mix with Teriyaki didn't turn out as I had hoped so I ended up eating an orange and a banana for dinner.  Not exactly wholesome but at least I didn't break down and eat sausage!!  :)

Will power is a powerful thing ya'll, and I am here to tell you if you use it in a positive way, your life will change drastically!!  

Signing out~

Pumpin' up the Energy!

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