Monday, April 9, 2012

Staying Positive on a Monday??

Good Morning Blogger Fans!

That's right, I am keeping up a good attitude even on a Monday!  :)  I am thrilled to announce that this morning I am wearing slacks that haven't fit me in over 2 years!!  WOW what am amazing way to start my week along with a vigorous workout planned for after work!  I have pretty strictly been working out at least 4 times per week power walking between 3 and 5 miles per day with my walking buddies.  It is getting to be pretty hot in the evening after work but I am powering through, the sweat means it's working right??  HAHA!  Anyway I haven't seen much change on the scale but in the way I feel and clothes are fitting, I can tell my hard work is already starting to pay off!

This past weekend was Easter as you all know which can be a hard time to stick to a diet plan....especially when there are so many yummy snacks and desserts everywhere!  Well I passed on queso and hot dogs on Saturday night, and instead had a salad which was pretty good....ok I had one chocolate chip cookie but other than that I was strong on Saturday!  Then Sunday lunch was hard too so I didn't deprive myself of anything but I stayed in CONTROL, not just blind eating til I wanted to pop!  :)  I couldn't miss out on banana pudding but I skipped the chocolate cake and pies...and instead filled up on my sis-in-laws zucchini/squash side and baked ham!  It was a wonderful weekend with family and friends but I am glad to be home and get back into my routine of working out and eating right!  The hubby is home from work today so he can get laundry, dishes, vacuuming and all fun housecleaning done so I can focus on working out and cooking a healthy dinner tonight.  Oh and my other sis-in-law may be giving birth today so that will definitely be our priority as soon as she does! YAY babies!  :)

Thanks for reading and keeping up with me, sorry it has been a while since I last posted.

Here is your belly melt tip of the day:
Work out to music you don't know as well so you can focus on your work out instead of music you know very well.

I found that this tip really does work guys so give it a try!  :)

Love to all,

Ms. Buck Signing out!

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